BizBRIDGE Vision

BizBRIDGE’s Vision

Provide the integral service connecting BizBRIDGE Co., Ltd to BRIDGE Patent & Law Firm
Technology Commercialization
Intellectual Property Rights
BizBRIDGE 3S Strategy

Endless Support of 3S toward a Success

  • Support

    Support the business activities connecting the intellectual property rights and technology commercialization

  • Sustain

    Support enterprises at the long term viewpoint through continuous relationship with customers

  • Satisfy

    Provide the service that can create customer satisfaction


Support successful commercialization of customers
through BizBRIDGE 3S Strategy

  • Business Activity Support
  • Bridge Reaching a Success
  • Successful Business
  • BizBRIDGE, the Partner for a Success
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Continuous Maintenance of Relation